Preptober Week One

Week one of Preptober has begun. This week's activities are all about refining the story. Next week will be the outline so I need the story idea as fleshed out as possible.

Last night as I sat down to write about my main character, I drew a blank. After sitting for a few minutes, I decided to pack it in for the evening and go to bed.

Then something magical happened. I woke up before the alarm with amazing clarity for my story idea. I let the thoughts continue to flow and before they could escape I grabbed a notebook. I wrote a page worth of ideas that will make the rest of the tasks I have for the week a lot easier.

My main character is coming more into focus. It's like with every detail that I add about the story her personality is revealed a little more. I'm so excited to get to writing this book.

Preptober Week Two

Preptober Planning